Friday, March 18, 2016

"Now I'm Beautiful"

A few weeks ago, we had a special group of patients on our ward… our “goiter ladies.” This was the first time our little E Ward was filled entirely with ladies. We had become quite accustomed to having a ward full of men and little kids needing hernia surgeries and the occasional lipoma removal. It was a nice change. We had so many wonderful patients during this time, but I will share about just a few.

Shortly after my shift started one evening, the PACU nurse wheeled in my patient, Lalao, back into our ward after her surgery. As soon as she came through our doors, there was such a light to her face. There was a sense of relief and joy that she finally had her goiter removed.  She was finally free of the inner-tube like mass around her neck that attempted to hid behind colorful scarves.  She was finally free of years and years of cold stares, harsh words, and a sense of not belonging because she looked different. 

 Once we got her settled back into her bed, I had one of our day crew ask her (in Malagasy) if she had seen herself yet. She shook her head that she hadn't. All of our patients receive a blue Mercy Ships bag when they first walk onto the ship that is filled with hygiene products....soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. This bag also comes with a little mirror. So we opened her bag and handed her the mirror. 

I wish I could adequetly convey her expression into words...but I can't. Joy, relief, thankfulness. A huge smile broke across her face and she said, "Now I'm beautiful." My team leader, Jane, gently corrected her and said "No, you were beautiful even before your surgery." What a nice reminder that we are not defined by our exterior...not our physical beauty, not our public accomplishments, not by others perceptions of us. 

It was a beautiful moment I will always remember. One of those moments, you wish you could just bottle up and revisit. 

Lalao in the screening tent.

Lalao in the screening tent.

Pre-Op photo of Lalao.

Visiting hour the night before Lalao's surgery.

Dr. AJ going over consent for Lalao's surgery.

What a beautiful smile.

Lalao with our team leader, Jane. Love this.

A photo taken of Lalao at one of her outpatient visits.

Another one of our "goiter ladies" was Serafine. She had such a soft and gentle spirit about her. And I don't think I ever saw her without a smile on her face. What a beautiful transformation.

Serafine in admissions.

Serafine in admissions.

Pre-op photo of Serafine.

Pre-op photo of Serafine.

These two are pure gems! 

Serapfine with one of our E ward nurses, Annerieke.

A photo taken of Serafine at one of her outpatients visits.

Some other beauties from E Ward.

Some of our ladies waiting in the admission tent.

Annerieke with one of our patients. Love the smiles!

I will always remember how impressed I was with the young lady in the yellow wrap in this photo. Her mother had come to the ship for surgery, and she came along to take care of her young sibling. She was only 14 years old, but by her actions you would never know. She cared for her mom and her little sibling so well.

Love this shot of our E ward.

The wise one in bed 5. She was a gem too.

Can't get enough of these two.

Post-op happiness.

A "before" picture with Dr. AJ.

An "after" picture on Deck 7. Yay!

Post-op smiles.

A "before" picture the night before surgery.

An "after" photo with one of our E ward nurses Natalie.

*Photo credits- Mercy Ships.

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